Join Us

By becoming a Clay Arts Guild (CAG) member you help sustain the Center for Community Arts clay arts program. In return, CAG provides significant benefits to you as a member:

  • A substantial discount on the registration fee for Open Studios.
  • A substantial discount on Master Potter Workshop registration fees. These one-day workshops bring in world-class ceramicists from around the country for a day of lecture demonstration.
  • Participation in CAG’s two Studio Sales per year. These sales are owned by the members of CAG, who transform the studio into a salesroom, provide staffing during the sale and clean-up afterwards. Artists receive 75% of proceeds from the sale of their work, with 25% contributed to CAG.
  • CAG sponsored members-only studio events. These events vary between hands-on workshops such as tool and brush making, and in-depth get-to-know our instructors lectures. Refreshments are provided, plus lots of fun and camaraderie.
  • CAG’s newsletter is published 4-5 times a year which provides news about studio operations, clay tips, member profiles and other issues of interest to members.

Join CAG

  • CAG membership is on an annual basis from August 1st to July 30th of the following year.
  • Annual dues are $90 in the fall term and prorated if you join in subsequent terms: winter $80, spring $70 and summer $50.
  • Join or renew your membership online using a credit card by clicking the link below.

    Renew CAG Membership Online

JUST A REMINDER. It can take a few days for the city to update your Perfect Mind account once you join. So if you do not see the discount for open studio, please contact us and we will help resolve the issue. BUT do not sign up for open studio for the non discounted price because you will NOT receive a discount. This is especially true if you sign up too close to registration because the city has a lot to do that week. There are no limitations on student numbers for open studio so it will not ‘fill up.’ So please wait until you see that you have been added.

Thank you so much and please consider joining today!